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Vegas or Bust!

Veeeegas, baby, Veeeegaaas!!!!

Mommy Boo and Ms Mommy Black are heading to Las Vegas!!

We'll be there from Thursday, January 9th through Monday, the 13th. While there, we'll be visiting the local ABDL nurseries and Changing Times Diaper Company. We loooove Changing Times - they're our go-to diaper company when we need last-minute supplies. We also plan to stock up on Bear Hugz diapers while we're there (they're super cute!).

On Sunday, we'll be going to the Vegas Littles' munch. So, if you're in the area, stop by and say "hi!"

We'll also be available for sessions while we're there. We won't have all of the bells and whistles of the Little Baby Boo Nursery, but we'll come with diapers, snacks, and all of the cuddles you can handle!!! We're looking at the possibility of renting local nursery facilities, but until we do, we will gladly come to you. :D (please don't kill us)

Contact us if you're interested in booking a session while we're in Las Vegas. Woo hoo!

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