Little Baby Boo Caregivers
The more you know
We've come a long way since we first opened in 2019. We're incredibly proud of what we've accomplished and are over-the-moon with the feedback that we've received.
As you may have realized, we do things a little differently, here at Little Baby Boo Nursery. We're Caregivers with a genuine interest in the littles' with whom we interact. We form real connections and find what we do to be incredibly rewarding.
That being said, it is a LOT of hard work. So, we may not always be available for sessions and sometimes we need to take breaks. Professional Caregiving, done right, can be physically and emotionally challenging.
Please remember that, even if one of us is on hiatus, we still love you all VERY MUCH and are honored to have been able to be a part of this community.