Hey everyone!! The Littles' Store is going to be putting in orders this Sunday, January 26th for ABU, Tykables, Rearz, Crinklz, Onesies Down Under and other awesome ABDL manufacturers. Let us know if you'd like us to order anything for you. Until we get our online sales and processing up, we'll be processing each order via email (so please bear with us :D).
We don't ship at this time - all orders are pick-up only. You may pick up your stuff during The Littles' Store open hours, which are 2nd & 4th Saturdays from 12-4pm, or by appointment. In February, we plan to have more open hours as well, so keep your eye on The Littles' Store page! Wahoo!!
All ABDL items sell at the suggested retail price. We also sell adult diapers singly, so you can mix and match to your little hearts' desire!!
Please, please, please contact us if you have any questions.