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Serenity Now!

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Here Comes the Rain

Hello all of our lovely littles!!

It's that time of year again. It's getting darker, colder, and the holidays are about to stir up all kinds of mixed emotions. It's incredibly important that we take good care of ourselves and show the kindness and compassion towards our own, vulnerable little-selves as we would towards any other child.

Season of Kindness

For many folks, the Holiday Season is a time of joy and happiness. Society tells us that it's the "Season of Giving" and we're taught to have faith in humanity and to depend on the kindness of those around us.

Of course, we know that that can be very far from the truth. In fact, for many of us, the closer it gets to the end of December, the more our sadness and stress levels increase. The holidays bring pain and heartache; whether it be through memories of the past or in dealing with current (or impending) family turmoil.

You're Not Alone

The majority of the littles with whom we interact, come from abusive households or have experienced some sort of emotional trauma.* And we've heard, time and time again that the holidays are a big trigger for many folks. Just know, that if you're one of those people, you're not alone!

If you need someone to talk to, we've got lots of ways to connect with others. Whether it's through a virtual meeting with us or chatting with the sweet littles that are a part of our Discord group, there's always someone who has a similar history or who can relate to what you're going through.

Season of Serenity

To help combat this time of loneliness, we at Little Baby Boo Nursery are upping our game. From now until the end of the year, we're going to try to make more self-care videos, interact more on Discord, offer more virtual sessions, and provide more Mommy Made options at The Littles' Store (the MM collection will include 10-min virtual sessions so that we can connect with you and see how cute you look)! We're also trying to find a way to offer some in-person sessions in late November and early December.

Our hope is that by offering these chances to connect, and by empowering littles to see their value and lovability, we can help make a difference! We've met so many amazing people: such strong and courageous littles who are taking their lives back. They're making their own choices and creating the lives that they want.

We hope that you join us over the next few months and that, together, we can bring some calmness and peace to your life. You are worth it.

Hugs & kisses,

Mommy Boo, Mama Buttercup, Ms Mommy Black (& ZaciRoo!)


This is a version of "The Serenity Prayer," which has helped us on more than one occasion. It's important to note, though, that we're a non-secular group and typically don't subscribe to religious forms of thought. This, however, is a kick-ass saying and, we feel, can do a lot to help with the acknowledgement that sometimes... situations are BEYOND OUR CONTROL. :)

* Not all littles or age-players come from abuse or suffer from PTSD. We've definitely noticed a correlation, but this is not meant to be an all-encompassing statement. This is just a significant finding from our experience.

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