Littles' Wellness Challenge
Welcome to the Littles' Wellness Challenge!! During the LWC we'll focus on adding healthier habits, coping skills, and acceptance of your adorable little self!! This challenge is all about love and becoming a better you!
It's FREE to participate and post your challenge results to your social media with the hashtag #abdlwellness; however, we have a dedicated board on our Discord platform (accessible through Patreon) where we'll be checking-in and interacting with folks throughout the challenge.
December 2021
Activity Pre-Challenge
For December's pre-challenge, we wanted folks to add just a liiiiiiittle bit of activity to their lives. Does that mean to start training for a marathon? No way, José!
We just want you to do simple stuff, like parking a couple of spaces further away from the grocery store, or playing a Nerf game with some friends... we're starting out small and easy. So, even if you're not feeling so great and are stuck on the couch binge-watching some fabulous tv, during the intros & credits, stand up and stretch or walk in place.

Wellness Challenge Promise
Coloring Page
Our first official project is the Littles' Wellness Challenge Promise Coloring Page! We're going to be trying a lot of new things during the Challenge and we're not expecting for you to do everything perfectly. All we ask is that you try and stick with it! Even if you miss a few, just keep coming back. We'll be here. :)

Little Dream Board
Create your ideal little life
The Little Dream Board is a collage that we want you to make, exclusively for your little-self (or Caregiver-self).
There are no limits for your Little Dream Board!!
We want you to use your imagination and think outside of the box. And it can be made using all sorts of supplies: draw on a piece of paper, cut and paste magazine images to a poster board, start a littles' binder... whatever feels right to you!

My Little Journal
A journey to discovery
This week's challenge will be to purchase your Little Journal and decorate the outside. On the first page, we'd like you to write a few lines about what goals you want for your new journal.
For instance, do you want it to help you get to know your little? Or are you just taking the ride and have no expectations at all? Find out more about this challenge, including the journals that the Mommies got, on our blog post.

Itty Bitty Hiatus
We'll be back!
Hey babies, we've got to take a liiiitle bit of a hiatus. Mommy Black isn't feeling so great, so we have to postpone this project for a couple of months. :(