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Hippity Hoppity…

Here comes Mommy Cottontail...

Join us as we decorate the Easter Bunny’s poop! Evidently that’s what Easter eggs are? No? Yes? Anyway… COME PLAY WITH US!

We are SUPER EXCITED about this Saturday! We’re going old-school and busting out the coloring tabs and vinegar. We’ll be dyeing brown and white eggs, but feel free to paint plastic eggs or rocks to look like eggs! All three of us Mommies will be getting together to dye eggs, laugh, and chat with our behbehs.


Come as you are!

Dress as a furry bunny, show up in a onesie, wear a toga, whatevs… as long as you’re clothed (no nekkid behbehs, please), you’re welcome. There’s never any pressure to participate in the craft or even speak. Even lurkers are a-okay!

For our beautiful bunny boos...

For those of you who aren’t up for dyeing Easter eggs, we’ve made this coloring page for you.

What the heck is Patreon?

Patreon is a platform we use as a way to collect “dues” each month. It makes it a lot easier on us to be able to disseminate information and entertainment, provide virtual play spaces, and help keep the Nursery stay afloat until we can get sessions going again. It’s only $5 a month and you get all kinds of cool stuffs ‘n things. Check it out!

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An image of the rainbow: representing support of the LGBTQ+ community.
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