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How to HaBOOween When You Come from Abuse: A Littlespace Guide

Hey little ones,

We know that this time of year can be difficult for ABDL folks, especially when you you come from an abusive household. We recently experienced a trigger for Zac when we went shopping for Halloween decorations. He tells a bit of his story at the beginning of this video.

He was raised in an extremely religious home and is a survivor of both mental and physical abuse. He is very conflicted about Halloween and the holidays in general, which is very typical of the ABDL littles whom we have encountered.

We know that this time, going into the holidays, makes most adult littles want to run and hide. But we want to take this opportunity to help you empower yourself to create the life YOU want to live.

The holidays don't have to be about tradition and they don't HAVE to be about your past. YOU have the power to be able to make YOUR holidays the way you want them to be!! And that starts NOW!

Begin with baby steps!! Simply close your eyes and imagine your ideal #HaBOOween!! What would that look like? How would you be dressed? What would you do?

In this video, we show you some very simple ways for you to be able to use a few household supplies and your imagination to become a sassy kitty or adorable puppy!!

What can you create on the fly? Also, remember, we have a costume contest running right now!! Find out more here:

Set your inner little free!!!

Big, big hugs!!

~ Mommy Black ~


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