For those of you who don't know, West Coast Jungle Gym is an ABDL convention held on the West Coast. Every month, they host fun virtual activities and learning experiences for folks in the ABDL community. We are huge supporters of theirs and join them once a month for Mommys' Makerspace.

Most recently, they started a fundraiser to help sustain the group through the epidemic. When they were asking for suggestions, someone thought it'd be hilarious if their fearless leader, a sassy little named bunney, was forced to wear a diaper for 24 hours.
"Why is that a challenge? I love wearing diapies!" You might say. Well, a lot like Angelica from Rugrats, bunney is often found forcefully asserting that she is NOT a baby, that she is 4 and is completely potty-trained!
Of course, I (Mommy Black) found the thought of bunney stuck in diapies for 24 hours to be incredibly hilarious. I threw my hat into the fundraising ring and offered to be the one to keep her in diapies for the day if they could raise $300 more dollars!
In order for this to be fun for everyone, we're adding a few incentives; for every $5 you donate you will be entered into a giveaway for the Little Baby Boo Prize Package that includes:
A WCJG Virtual Con ticket
A Crinklz gift pack and
A 15 minute virtual session with LBBN!
The prize will be drawn randomly, from the eligible donators, on September 1st at noon (PST).
Crinklz is also getting involved and in addition to their $300 contribution, they're donating $3 more for each additional person who posts to their own social media, wearing Crinklz diapers, with the hashtag #CrinklzDay during the big diaper day!

The Fine Print
In order to be eligible to win the Little Baby Boo Nursery Prize Package, you must:
Donate at least $5 to the West Coast Jungle Gym (you'll get a prize entry for each $5 donation, so $25 will get you 5 prize entry tickets)
Be 18 years of age or older
Live in the contiguous 48 States
Submit your donations by 11:45am on Sept 1st (PST)
Void where prohibited. For more info about the virtual convention, visit the West Coast Jungle Gym website.
Be sure to subscribe to our social media (links at the top of the page) and watch the hyjinx ensue from Aug 31st at noon to Sept 1st at noon!!