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SCAM ALERT: "ABDL Community"
Have you seen this logo? This is a new and insidious group of predators that are plaguing our community. THEY ARE SCAMMERS OF THE WORST...
Gratitude in Chaos
As I was putting together a social media post for this week, I just had to stop and express some gratitude for the people in my life....
Merry Holidays & Happy New Year!
From our family to yours, have a very safe and fun holiday season! We'll be taking a much-needed break to prepare for the New Year's...
Classifications of the ABDL Community
Therapeutic Age-Regression Age-Play, Kink & Kinesthetic-Based Clusters We've had the good fortune to interact with all kinds of adult...
Crinklz B-day MEGA Sale!
We're reducing our retail stock so that we can start doing in-person sessions again, which means that we're not going to be bulk-stocking...
Behbeh Models
Hola behbehs!!! Ms Mommy Black is helping Crinklz with their advertising of the new Buccaneer and Fairy Tale prints. She's looking for a...
The Story Behind the New Crinklz Prints
As you know, Crinklz has come out with two new prints: Buccaneer and Fairy Tale. The cool thing about it is that Ms Mommy Black actually...
ABDL Summer Camp 2022 Winners
Congratulations to the winners of this year's ABDL Summer Camp: Adventures Under the Sea!! *GRAND PRIZE WINNER* - Joanna...
Ocean Pollution: Take Action!
We've been talking about the ocean for the last month and we think it's important that we use this last activity day of Summer Camp 2022...
Day 27: Katie-Pie's Korner
What's new Korner Krew?!?!? WELCOME TO: Day........27 of ABDL Summer Camp!! Last week the rest of the Korner Krew really needed your help...
ABC's & Ice Pop Heists: Final Chapter
"...iz hides dem somewhere, but yous gots ta distact mommy.” Tag and Evie nodded. They all slid down the twisty slide into the ball pit...
We're extending Summer Camp!
We're extending the deadline for Summer Camp! We realized that we had A LOT of activities this year and that some of you need a little...
We Are Water Protectors
Day 26 - 📚 Storytime with Mommy Black: We Are Water Protectors! 🌎 Today I challenge you to take the Earth Steward & Water Protector...
Science Boonies: Candy Coral
Did You Know? Did you know that every material has a 'melting point'? This is the temperature at which the material undergoes a 'phase...
🐉 Day 24 - Draw Your Favorite (Mythical) Sea Creature! 🦄
Today's activity is to draw your favorite sea creature. It can be *anything* - even something you make up! In fact, Ash challenges you to...
🎭 Day 23 - Ash's Art: Costume Contest!
🎭 Day 23 - Ash’s Art: Under the Sea Costume Contest - #CampBooCostume We are gonna start putting together a costume contest!! think of...
Day 21 - 🐚 Ash’s Art: Stuffie Mermaid Tails
Day 21 - 🐚 Ash’s Art: Stuffie Mermaid Tails - #CampBooTail Today, Ash will be walking you through how to make the cutest mermaid tail...
ABC's & Ice Pop Heists: Chapter 3
"...Too sweet she thought, and that made her suspicious." “Did they have the scissors?” Mommy Boo asked. “They said no, but they seemed a...
Day 20: Katie-Pie's Korner
What's new Korner Krew?!?!?! Can you believe we are already on Day 20??? This summer camp is flying by (or swimming? ya know...under the...
Science Boonies: Air Powered Ship
COLORING PAGE!!! Did You Know? You, babies, are probably wondering, "What does propulsion even mean?". Well, little ones, propulsion is...
Day 18 - 🎣 Ash’s Art: School of Fish
Day 18 - 🎣 Ash’s Art: School of Fish - #CampBooFish Today, Ash will be walking you through how to make "schools of fishies!" Supplies...
Day 17 - 🏴☠️ What's Your Pirate Name? 🦜
This is super fun, behbehs! Arrrrrrr ye ready to find yer pirate name?! We've made this cute little coloring sheet for you to find it!!...
Day 16 - 👶 Behbeh Sea Creature 🦐
If you could be any behbeh sea creature, what would you be? Print and color this sheet and upload it to your social media with the...
Day 15 - 🎏 Ash’s Art: Let’s Make Fin Ears!
Day 15 - 🎏 Ash’s Art: Let’s Make Fin Ears! - #CampBooFins Today, Ash will be walking you through how to make adorable fin ears!!...
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