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All Are Welcome!

Hello to the most glorious month!!!

All are welcome at Little Baby Boo Nursery! We don't discriminate based on race, age, sex, gender, religious beliefs, political leanings, shoe size, or anything.* We believe that all people need to be loved and are worthy of love and we strive to show that in every session and littles' party that we do.

It's easy for us to love because all three of us Mommies are queer! "What does "queer" mean?" you might be asking. In simple terms, it means a person who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, or otherwise not heterosexual. We're all pansexual, which means that we are attracted to almost everyone! We like folks for their brain-balls and their hearts, which is why Caregiving is so natural to us.

So join us this month in celebrating diversity and open your mind and hearts to taste every color of the rainbow (yay Skittles!)!!

Sending love and light!!

The Mommies

* All are welcome except mean people. Mean people suck.

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