Virtual ABDL Summer Camp's Activity 10, for Monday June 29th:
👻 Ghost Story ✏️
Directions: Write a ghost story to tell the other ABDL kids at Summer Camp! It can be anything you'd like! And as short or as long as you want.
Make sure, though, if it's
scary to hashtag your entry: #LBBNGhostStory
funny or goofy, hashtag your entry: #LBBNGoofyGhostStory
Here's an example by Mama Buttercup:
The Haunted Treehouse
By Mama Buttercup
“Did you guys see the sign down the street?” Brian asked the others.
“What sign?” asked Claire.
“Do you mean the for sale sign?” Tommy asked.
“That’s the one,” said Brian. He smiled wide. The combination of his two adult front teeth, with his red hair and big cheeks, made him very much resemble a chipmunk. “Normally it wouldn’t matter, but that’s the place with the treehouse.”
Tommy’s blue eyes got really big. They passed the place with the treehouse every day home from first grade, and he always stared longingly out the window, imagining all the fun adventures they could have in a place like that.
“I already know what you’re thinking,” said Jacob, always the voice of reason, “and we shouldn’t do it.” He ran a hand over his tightly curled black hair.
Brian and Tommy looked at each other. “We’re going,” they said in unison.
“There is no way I’m not doing this, even it was just me,” Tommy elaborated. “I’ve dreamed about that place too many times to not.”
Claire looked worried. She was a little English girl with medium length brown hair, and at seven years of age, she was the eldest of the group.
“I heard a kid died there, and that’s why they’re selling it,” she said.
The other kids looked at her in shock. “Who told you that?” Tommy asked.
“My sister, she’s friends with the kid who lives across the street from there.”
“Would make sense,” Jacob said.
“Don’t care. Still doing it,” said Brian.
“I agree,” said Tommy, “meet back here tomorrow after school. All of you who aren’t too scared, anyway. And bring sodas.”
The next day, every one of them showed up. They all had over-prepared for the ‘trek’ to the treehouse house, which was only a couple blocks away.
Brian had loaded his backpack up with snacks. He had brought enough chips, cookies, and drinks for everyone, which was good, because in his excitement, Tommy had forgotten to bring the one thing he had told everyone else to bring: sodas. What he had brought was a flashlight and two wooden swords, some bandanas, and a couple eyepatches, so they could take turns playing pirates.
Claire had brought her sister’s camera, along with some snacks of her own.
Jacob hadn’t known what to bring, so he had packed all sorts of things, including a jacket and fifty feet of rope. “It’s a treehouse, after all,” he explained. “It might not have a ladder.”
Each of them had left notes on their beds telling their parents where they had gone, just in case they didn’t come back. Neither of them had told the others about the notes, they had all come to the same conclusion separately. Each of them were a little scared about going to the dead kid’s house, though they wouldn’t admit it to the others.
“Everyone ready?” Tommy asked. He smiled nervously, and ran a hand through his longish blonde hair.
They nodded, and set out.
Down the street, past the big blue house, past the big green hedges of the little park they liked to play hide in seek in, past the house with the angry little dog, they went.
The angry little dog was, of course, angry, and he barked and yipped at them through the fence. Tommy barked back, and they saw the neighbor who owned him glare at them through the house’s window.
They crossed a street, looking both ways, like their mums had told them to. Finally they stood before the house, which did indeed have a for sale sign in front of it. There were no signs of any people living there, no cars or bikes, and the windows didn’t have curtains.
They looked around to make sure they weren’t being watched, and then they slipped through the side gate, into the back yard. They came to halt before the giant tree, and stared up at the treehouse, feeling very small as it towered above their heads.
It was magnificent, the biggest and best cared for they had ever seen, painted a warm yellow with white paint around the windows. There was a very sturdy ladder that led up, and handrails to grab onto once you got there.
Tommy went first, taking the ladder slowly, and stopping at the very top, where he poked his head up just high enough to see inside the treehouse. There was a small round table inside, with three small chairs, and a tiny little tea set. There were shelves lining the walls, with books, and toy cars, and stuffed animals.
“Whoooooa,” Tommy said. After hearing that, Brian pushed him inside, so he could see too. The others followed quickly after that.
“Wow!” Jacob said. His big brown eyes were wide with wonder. “Why didn’t they take all this with them?” The others fell silent at that, and looked at each other.
“They probably came up to look,” Claire said solemnly. “But couldn’t bear to bring it all down, after their son died.” The mood was a lot more somber after that, but they couldn’t help but look around a little longer.
“I don’t think I want to play pirates after all,” Jacob said. He was feeling creeped out, but he didn’t want to just say it.
Then the pink stuffed bunny in the corner turned its head, and looked at them. One of its pink plush paws began to wave.
“Hi, guys!” The pink bunny said.
The kids were struck cold, and their jaws dropped open. They were rooted to the spot, unable to move or even scream. One by one, the other stuffed animals turned their heads, and began talking.
“I wasn’t expecting anyone,” said the blue elephant.
“Certainly not four someones,” the pink bunny said. It pulled up a chair at the table, and sat down.
“I’m not scaring you, am I?” the blue elephant asked.
“There’s no need to be scared, I like friends!” A yellow kitty said from one corner of the room. Then it jumped up on the table with the tea set, and did a little dance.
It was very, very strange, but all they could do was watch in stunned silence. It was the green turtle who finally broke their paralysis. Its neck lengthened from out of its shell, so it could see them better. Then it, too, spoke.
“Hiiiiii guuuuuuys,” the turtle said, very slowly, as a turtle might. It startled a half-crazed little chuckle out of Claire, and the other kids couldn’t help but join in.
“I’ve been all alone here,” the yellow kitty said, in a high sing-song voice. “It’s nice, seeing people my age again.”
“There hasn’t been anyone else back here?” Claire asked. She
was the brave one.
“Not since I died, no,” the blue elephant said. “My name’s Francisco, by the way. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“We didn’t think we’d find anyone here,” muttered Tommy.
“Well… at least you know you’re dead, I guess,” Claire said. It came out sounding flat and maybe a little bit rude, and she didn’t mean it that way. “I mean, sorry about that,” she finished lamely.
The blue elephant sighed. “It’s okay. I’m in an okay place, but I came back just to check on my sister. This was her favorite place to have tea parties. But she’s not here.”
“Your parents,” Brian said, “They put a for sale sign on the house. They’re not here anymore.”
“They probably couldn’t stand to live in a place with so many memories, even if they were good ones, up until the accident,” Claire said.
“Oh.” The blue elephant looked down at the floor. Its ears drooped in sadness.
Claire blushed. She’d put her foot in it again, even though she’d been trying to be helpful. “What I meant by that, is that they must have loved you very much.”
The elephant’s ears perked up again, just a little.
“Have you thought about moving on, towards the light?” Jacob
“Oh, I will, in a little bit.” Now it was the yellow kitty talking again. “I had to come to terms with things first though, I’m allowed to take my time, that’s what the light said. I’ll always be welcome.”
“That’s good,” said Claire. She was looking at the tea set. There were only three places set, and there were four children. “Is there something you’ve left unfinished?” She looked up at the yellow kitty, but it was the pink bunny who spoke.
“Not really,” the bunny said. “Except… I had, uhhh, borrowed, a diary from my sister. And then I died. And now I feel a little guilty about it.”
The bunny hopped up onto one of the chair backs, and then up onto one of the wooden shelves, and opened a ceramic box. “It’s here,” the bunny said, and it hopped back down again, holding a little book in both arms.
The bunny sat the book down on the table. “I didn’t read much of it, but, can you get it to her? Somehow?”
They all stared at the book. Getting it to his sister when they didn’t know where she lived now would be a lot of work. But it seemed to mean a lot to the poor ghost.
Jacob was the first who spoke. “We could call the realtor’s number on the for sale sign,” he said.
“You could call my mom,” the kitty spoke up in its high-pitched voice. “I know her number.”
“Oh,” said Claire. “Well that will just make it easy. Sure! We could even tell her that we found it while snooping—”
“You can tell her that, I wouldn’t want to get in trouble by saying anything of the sort,” said Tommy.
“Well I’ll do it. I’m not scared.” Claire took down the number, and picked up the book. She dropped it into her pocket, and that was that.
A warm glow seemed to spread over the treehouse, and it seemed as if the kitty was glowing too. All the stuffed animals were glowing.
“Oh! I feel so much lighter!” The yellow kitty said. “You’ve made me very happy, thank you so much.” It bowed before Claire.
“You can take anything you want, I think I’m ready to go now. And I won’t be needing any of this stuff for it.”
“Neat, thanks!” Claire said. She looked around. “But I don’t think I want to.” The tea set was very nice, but taking it just didn’t feel right. The others echoed the sentiment.
“I feel like dancing!” The little yellow cat said. It began to move its shoulders back and forth, and then it started shaking its tush. The elephant started doing a bum-bum sound, the turtle chimed in with a slower base that went dooo-dooo-dooo, the kitty trilled up and down, and the pink bunny sang along with a reebly-dee. It was very interesting music.
Then colored lights starting strobing all through the treehouse. The tune was so infectious that they all got up to dance, with the four stuffies parading around on the edge of the round table, bobbing up and down as they marched and sang. The four kids lined up and
danced around the table in the other direction, waving their arms around and singing along.
“Haha, careful we don’t summon anything else, with a beat like this!” Francisco joked.
But they did summon something. The kids all froze in place again, arms stretched up in the air. Luckily, it was just the bright white light. The four stuffies dancing around the table lifted up and drifted into that white light, still swaying, and singing their song. They floated all the way up to the roof of the treehouse, and when they touched it, they fell lifeless, to the floor. But that wasn’t a bad thing, in fact it was a very good thing. It meant that Francisco had crossed over to the light. They felt joyous inside.
The children looked at each other, unsure of what to do next, but they couldn’t keep the smiles from their faces. Seeing the white light had made them inexplicably happy.
“Huh. I should have been scared,” Brian said. “It was weird, but not scary.”
“I was scared, a little” Tommy admitted.
“I think we were only scared, because we didn’t know anything, really, about ghosts. Not real ones anyway,” Jacob said.
“I’m just glad we could help him,” Claire said. “It feels like we did a very good thing.”
“Yeah, me too,” Brian said. “Now he can rest, or go on to whatever other life there is for him.”
“Good work, team,” Tommy said. He looked around the treehouse. “I don’t think there’s anything else for us here, except maybe the plans to build our own amazing treehouse. Want to go home?”
They all nodded, and left. Claire remembered that she hadn’t taken any pictures, but that was okay. She had the journal in her pocket, and when she got home, she called the number Francisco had given her.
“I found a book, it belongs to your daughter,” Claire said to the lady who answered.
“Oh! You must have found it at the open house! I’m so sorry, we’re two cities away from there, now. Would you mind dropping it in the mail?”
Claire had said she didn’t mind at all, and the nice lady kindly forwarded her mom the money for postage, plus a little extra, which Claire used for ice cream. She got vanilla with a caramel ribbon. It was a job well done, and Claire deserved it.
Later that week, the four children got together again. Claire told them how easy it had been talking to the lady. Dropping the book off at the post office had been easy too.
The next make-believe game they played together, they decided to call ‘ghost detectives’. There was a lot of running around solving mysteries, and saying ‘wooooooo’, even though their ghost hadn’t said ‘wooooooo’.
It was a lot of fun.